Hello, my younger me. I hope you'll enjoy some time away from your computer and rest well at night instead of compiling custom real time kernels with dreams of reviving Solaris in the hope of reliving those strange beautiful momements sitting alone in the university lab surrounded by magic Sun SPARC machines wondering about mysterious power they could unleash if I could only learn C and not fall asleep on the keyboard to be greeted by random student in the morning with keyboards marks on my cheeks. Good times.
The forum bot is right of course and I'm not sure if this post serves any purpose other then expressing arguably superfluous sentinemt about the wonder of passing time and memories. But then maybe raising and riding horses is just a way to scratch the same itch. @demm
It's one of those Forest Gump moments, whenever I tell myself or my friends that I have been involved in choosing the name for a Solaris / Linux alternative distro and that the project is still alive and thriving. They look perplexed and mostly don't even know what I mean. I still vividly remember those days.
I whish I could recover the account again, but don't really remember the email I registered with.