Hi all,

I am the kaos.youm.org mirror administrator, and I just wanted to share that story.

I want to apologize in case anyone encountered problems since yesterday on this address, I made a mistake in nginx configuration regarding another domain I own, that makes it crashed. Realizing this I understood that my nginx version was...


Let's say long time ago not updated, so, without any worry, I decided to run an upgrade process... (After having a look to updates' notes and warnings. Anyone seeing available update for a software he run should upgrade aswell, specially in case of an publicly available service)

But my webserver was such an old version, that I had to upgrade a lot of other softwares. (From here my real bullshits start: I shouldn't have made this upgrade before running a full server backup, in case I make bullshits, at least by running etckeeper,git or something like this)

Few software juggled-updates later, not a websites my server was running wanted to display on, it tooks me few hours to make it all working, in the meantime I updated some security aspects of differents hosted softwares (one bad for one good*) and once online, I started to write some basics scripts to automate some update-tasks, that's why you may had few intermittent 404 errors all the day long...

Now everything works as expected and it should for long... (I hope ;) )

*I don't know if it works in english, it should mean "one bad sometimes can lead to a good one finally"