I'm happy with the apps in KaOS but I do miss these two KDE apps:
kalarm (to set clock alarms)
spectacle (screen grabber)
I don't see them in KCP ...
When the package is installed, right click a folder in Dolphin in tab Share there is a message
Your Samba installation is broken This error is caused by your distribution not setting...
Testing has started for Plasma 6.3, see for all the latest. As alw...
I have been keeping an eye on this distro, especially because of it's interest in the illumos kernel, I honestly think there are way too many distros already out there on top of the linux kernel, e...
Hi, After latest update I can no longer run VMs in Virtualbox.
Many thanks, JJ
Error log -
GIM: HyperV: Resetting MMIO2 regions and MSRs 00:00:00.977045 vmmR3...
Hello, thank you very much for this excellent system, it fulfills its mission of delivering the most up-to-date and stable KDE Plasma.
I have an encrypted partition and I would like the sys...
After recent update to Kmymoney to 5.1.90 it fails to open accounts. Tried on various KaOS systems. Cannot downgrade due to other requirements. Seems like I'm the only one using KmyMoney. Error...
I just installed pylint (sudo pacman -S python3-pylint) and I seem to get an error:
sudo pacman -S python3-pylint
$ pylint -r y | more Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bi...
This is mostly a reminder for all to run pacman Qm on a regular base on this rolling distribution. Running that say, once a month, will show you which packages are no longer in the...
pacman Qm
Some KCP Repos include a .gitignore and others do not. Is there a general preference?
Hello everyone,
I recently installed KaOS as my primary OS after hearing great things about its simplicity and focus on KDE and Qt applications. So far, I'm loving the clean experience and ...
I like plasma, and only want to use distros that supply it. It has the only decent desktop slideshow of all the DEs I have tried.
I also require nemo file manager, gnumeric spread sheet, gv...
Newbie here. I use an application called unison to synchronize my files across various computers. It is not in the Kaos repositories. Is there an app that performs the same function I can ...
Hello, I have managed to screw up the loader.conf file - trying to change boot options and made mistakes !! Can someone post a listing of the standard file please so that I can sor...