- Edited
Code of Conduct
Condensed in common sense:
- Treat others as you would like others to treat you.
- When asking for help, read the documentation, do your research and provide details for those you are asking for assistance.
- When offering help, be as patient and tactful as possible.
- Choose one topic per thread.
- When responding to an existing thread, always read the original post and attempt to focus on the original topic.
- If a thread is tagged as
, do not reply stating the equivalent ofI am having a similar issue..
; start a new thread and link to theSOLVED
thread, if relevant. - No trolling, a
is a person who intentionally attempts to disrupt, cause controversy, incite an argument, and/or receive negative attention by deliberately posting provocative content. - Flaming (directing negative, disrespectful, and/or insulting comments toward someone) will not be tolerated. Never resort to personal insults and please avoid sarcastic and patronizing language.
To help readability and load times, use a pastebin service like https://paste.ee/ for logs over 50 lines, and post only thumbnails of about 400 x 250 pixels max, linking to the needed images, using image sharing sites like https://pasteboard.co/.
Rants and complaints are actively discouraged. This type of content is much better suited to a blog or other personal web space. Your contributions should be open, productive and inviting to all participants.
There is no explicit list of topics considered to be trollish
, controversial or provocative, but in the past, posts pertaining to Religion, Sports, Race, Nationalism and Politics have invariably been closed. Therefore, specifically avoid these and all divisive topics. This is a technical community and is not intended nor able to effectively facilitate such commentary nor the resulting unrest.
Discussions stating the equivalent of there is a problem with KaOS and its methodology, we need to discuss it
(sometimes referred to as bikeshedding
) have been repeatedly proven ineffective and inflammatory and will usually be closed down after a warning from moderators. If you have identified a systemic issue, find a solution that works for you, implement it, then post.
Furthermore, questioning or discussing the methods used by KaOS will be monitored closely and locked or removed if deemed unhelpful and/or unproductive. Harsh, unproductive criticism is also uncalled for.
If you have a question regarding KaOS development, please ensure that your topic poses a specific question and be open-minded to responses. If possible, provide a solution or partial solution. Submitting code and patches for discussion is always more pragmatic than asking others to do it for you.