Hello, thank you very much for this excellent system, it fulfills its mission of delivering the most up-to-date and stable KDE Plasma.

I have an encrypted partition and I would like the system to decrypt it during boot, so I added the following informationkernel_cmdline=" usbcore.autosuspend=-1 hpet=disable i8042.nopnp root=UUID=f991cf2a-3f77-4e3f-bc69-36f98097ba3f rd.luks.uuid=35837360-fc11-4ac9-ba91-4f4626150e5b luks.options=tpm2-device=auto rw quiet rootfstype=ext4 rd.auto=1 " in /etc/dracut.d/meus.conf and in /boot/loader/entries/meu.conf that I use for boot. I also added the following modules add_dracutmodules+=" tpm2-tss " in Dracut, and later I ran the commands # systemd-cryptenroll /dev/sda2 --wipe-slot=empty --tpm2-device=auto to add the keys to the tpm2 chip. The settings added in Dracut have worked on all the distros I have tested, namely Debian, Kubuntu and Manjaro, without systemd-boot but with #uefi="yes" on Dracut, and use .efi directly and the system does in fact decrypt the partition during boot, but this does not happen with KaOS. For this reason, I was thinking about doing a reinstallation without encryption, but because I have a lot of information on the disk, I would like some help before I make the decision.

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First of, I have no experience with encryption, but it would be nice to get this working with systemd-boot & dracut too.
Have you looked into systemd-boot specific recommendations for this?
Also one thing to consider is that KaOS uses /boot for the EFI partition, afaik, the distro's you mention above use /boot/efi or some variations of that.

Hi demm, thank you very much for your reply.

systemd-boot validates /boot as a mount point for boot files. And the systems above use both /boot/efi and /boot. I don't know what I'm doing wrong to make it not work, but I'll keep investigating until I find the solution.

Hi, again!!

Tried to change from dracut to mkinitcpio and added this hooks: (base systemd autodetect microcode modconf kms keyboard sd-vconsole block sd-encrypt filesystems fsck) but running mkinitcpio -P says
-> Running build hook: [systemd]
==> ERROR: file not found: ``@/usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-fstab-generator'

==> ERROR: file not found: ``/usr/lib/libnss_files.so'
-> Running build hook: [autodetect]
-> Running build hook: [modconf]
==> ERROR: Hook 'kms' cannot be found
-> Running build hook: [keyboard]
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
==> WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete.

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KaOS has not done the /usr move (that is why it will stay with systemd 253, the last version to support the split /usr setup). libnss_files.so is in /lib. Not clear how you added the hooks, but they point to the wrong location.
What is the output of pacman Qi mkintcpio?


    how you added the hooks

    Just added to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

    demm that is why it will stay with systemd 253

    Oh now i see that was something i was asking mysef. Any ETA for recent releases?

    demm pacman Qi mkintcpio

    Nome                 : mkinitcpio
    Versão               : 26-8
    Descrição            : Modular initramfs image creation utility
    Arquitetura          : x86_64
    URL                  : https://github.com/archlinux/mkinitcpio
    Licenças             : GPL
    Grupos               : Nenhum
    Provê                : initrd
    Depende de           : awk  mkinitcpio-busybox  kmod  util-linux  libarchive  coreutils  bash  findutils  grep  filesystem>=2016.11  gzip  systemd
    Depend. opcionais    : xz: Use lzma or xz compression for the initramfs image [instalado]
                           bzip2: Use bzip2 compression for the initramfs image [instalado]
                           mkinitcpio-nfs-utils: Support for root filesystem on NFS
    Necessário para      : linux
    Opcional para        : Nenhum
    Conflita com         : Nenhum
    Substitui            : Nenhum
    Tamanho instalado    : 97,85 KiB
    Empacotador          : Anke Boersma <demm@kaosx.us>
    Data da compilação   : dom 15 set 2024 15:42:51
    Data de instalação   : sex 03 jan 2025 19:06:57
    Motivo da instalação : Instalado explicitamente
    Script de instalação : Sim
    Validado por         : Soma SHA-256

    There are no plans to move KaOS to thousands of symlinks (which you will need when you use the all /usr setup, so no plans to move to systemd beyond 253.
    Not clear yet which hook (or where in dracut for that matter) the reference to /usr/lib/libnss_files.so comes from, that needs to be set to /lib/libnss_files.so

      demm which you will need when you use the all /usr setup, so no plans to move to systemd beyond 253

      It's a bit offtopic, but systemd it's not only related to symlinks, how other new features will be added (currently I don't see any solution)

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        bvbfan we all interested in this topic, I suggest a new post to discuss it.

        20 days later


        I am also concerned about system security.

        But I have a slightly different boot format. I disable everything related to the network, smb, virtualization. My neighbor somehow gained access, and as I understand it, synchronizes its data with mine, and destroys my data. Through zpool. I did not even configure it. As soon as I disabled msr, sg modules that load various instructions, as I understand, that it is possible to intercept control during boot, exploit them, and commit various other machinations. A message appeared that my zpool was not found and booting further is not possible. Cool.