KCP is added to have one central place where users can share files needed to build packages not in the KaOS repositories.
Blindly copying any existing PKGBUILD and sticking it as is in KCP makes this feature completely useless.
It is not about getting hundreds or maybe thousands of applications in KCP were most are non-functioning. Submit only PKGBUILDs that were adjusted for KaOS or PKGBUILDs you created yourself for KaOS. Use the Guides linked below, read them fully before committing any.
A tool is created for you to check if your PKGBUILD is usable in KaOS.
Go to the directory where your PKGBUILD resides:
cd /path/to/my_app and run
pckcp fix any parts that are showing as non-compliant.

Entries made to KCP that are not KaOS compliant will be automatically removed within 24 hours. If you are a first time submitter, an issue will be opened for you, to warn for an incorrect submission. Those who have been warned before will see their submission removed if it fails the pckcp check.

Guide to apply for membership and to upload to KCP:

Building from KCP is done using:

KCP se añadió para tener un lugar centralizado donde los usuarios puedan compartir los archivos necesarios para compilar paquetes que no están en los repositorios de KaOS.
Copiar ciegamente cualquier PKGBUILD existente y luego ponerlo en KCP hace de esta característica algo completamente inútil.
No se trata de llegar a cientos o tal vez miles de aplicaciones en KCP donde la mayoría no funcionen.
Suba sólo PKGBUILDSs ajustados para KaOS o que ha creado Ud. mismo para KaOS. Use las guías enlazadas debajo, léalas completamente antes de subir alguno.
Se ha creado una herramienta para que compruebe si su PKGBUILD es utilizable en KaOS.
Posiciónese en el directorio donde se encuentra su PKGBUILD:
cd /path/hacia/mi_aplicación
y ejecute:
corrija cualquier parte del PKGBUILD que muestre que no sean compatibles.
Las entradas hechas a KCP que no sean compatibles serán automáticamente eliminadas dentro de las 24 horas. Si Ud. es la primera vez que publica uno, se le abrirá un issue para advertirle de la publicación incorrecta. A quienes ya habían sido advertidos antes se les eliminará la publicación is falla la comprobación de pckcp.

Guía para solicitar la adhesión y para subir a KCP:

La compilación para KCP se realiza mediante:

2 years later
demm stickied the discussion .
9 months later

Entonces quieres decir, que yo teniendo un paquete de Debian puedo transformarlo en un paquete de KaOS, y lo compila bien?

    Josengel if the package meets the required dependencies then yes (ie. the PKGBUILDs of vivaldi, spotify, slack, gitkraken, etc... on KCP use .deb packages as source to packaging)

    Si el paquete cumple con las dependencias necesarias entonces sí (por ejemplo los PKGBUILDs de vivaldi, spotify, slack, gitkraken, etc... en KCP usan paquetes .deb como fuente para empaquetar) 😉

    2 years later

    KCP would be great if the packages were updated. Right now, it's rather useless. For instance, Geany doesn't appear to have been updated for over 2 years? Apps like this should be removed, not left there in an ancient state.

      a year later

      bashingkeys I just want to point out that it is good that they don't remove it, because that way another user can grab the PKGBUILD where it was left, and guide himself to update it.

      Nevertheless it would be cool to add an "outdated" flag to inform users that a package may not work anymore.

      • demm replied to this.

        ErSoul add an "outdated" flag to inform users

        That really goes against the premise of KCP. All users share the task of maintaining packages there, adding a flag means "let someone else take care of it, I won't". The option to add an issue is there if you need help with updating or maintaining.

        4 years later

        That is part of the kcp package, normally installed by default, but I assume this is a minimal install or from the Plasma 6 test ISO.
        And I'll repeat here how to easily search what package owns what files. Make sure the pkgfile database is up to date sudo pkgfile -u, after that you can use the bashrc shortcut to search, like in this case :pf pckcp
        (:pf being short for pkgfile -vri)

        Thank you.
        Yes, I installed from the Plasma 6 ISO, but was able to install kcp there.
        I resolved the warnings:

        • Removed the Contributors in the headers
        • Changed the arch to specify x86_64

        And I think I may have created my first KCP! I uploaded qutebrowser6, and if somebody is using the Plasma6 ISO and likes VIM navigation, I would appreciate a tester.

        Question: Should there be makedepends for base-devel, or should we assume that anybody using the KCP knows to install the group?

        • demm replied to this.

          mparillo anybody using the KCP knows to install the group?

          Anyone using KCP should read the packaging guide first:

          Checking that base-devel is installed is part of the instructions (and again, regular installs do include base-devel & kcp).