I seems that the brand new Plasma-volume-control does not allow the use of hardware buttons for volume control to be functional.

I'm running KaOS in a Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon:

http://kaosx.us/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=136&p=5514#p5514 ==> some details of my HW

This happened just after formatting and re-installing from 2015.04 to 2015.06

How can I enable this functionality?

Sounds like kernel issue, last time did you use 3.19.x kernel? You can erase plasma-volume-control, but i'm pretty shure that keys still wont work. sudo pacman -R plasma-volume-control Start 2015.04 from livecd and check it, then can check new iso with fresh kernel. If keys works with old kernel, it can be stopped from update and you can update other components from 2015.04 installation.

Not a kernel issue or need to remove any. Those keys are assigned to kmix, just install kmix to restore this functionanility. Should be fixed in plasma-volume-control soon. (run "kmix" from cli after installing, key will work then, no need to reboot that way).

And as a PS: no need to re-install when a new ISO is out, just update regularly and you will always have the latest regardless if your install is 2 months or 2 years old.

Thanks demm, with Kmix it works. Lets hope the fix of plasma-volume-control soon.

PS. The thing is that I love to format and I feel clean after each ISO. Otherwise issues like the one with the volume control were difficult to be found.

I knew about this issue :)

Found it with a very old install, one from June 2013

But the loss of the keys and still move to plasma-volume-control was a deliberate choice.

Kmix is not really ported to kf5, it is a messy mix of KDE 4 & plasma 5 in one package and is causing system instability.

Plasma-volume-control might miss some of the kmix features, but what it does it does well and more importantly it doesn't cause system instability.

It is not that hard to make the volume keys work on systems without kmix.

Since pulseaudio is the default, pactl can be used to create the needed custom khotkeysrc.

An example is up and will be tested for the next ISO:

Or anyone can create the needed changes in that fille (it is ~/.config/khotkeysrc).

systemsettings > Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts > right click in the middle column > New > Global Shortcut > Commad/URL

Give it a name, something like "Volume UP" > right column > edit the comment to something like "Increase system sound volume"

click the Trigger tab > assign the volume up key from your keyboard to it

click the Action tab > Command/URL and enter pactl set-sink-volume 0 +2%

Repeat those steps for volume down and mute, the needed pactl for down is:

pactl set-sink-volume 0 -2%

For mute it is:

pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle

And hit apply

a month later

Plasma-volume-control build today has volume controls shortcuts implemented, so any of the above settings adjustments are no longer needed to get your volume up/down keys to work again.

Hello. I installed the latest updates, including plasma-volume-control, and rebooted. Keyboard audio controls still do not work by default. When I access sound volume settings, and click on keyboard shortcuts, it causes Plasma to close, giving the error: Executable: plasmashell PID: 1352 Signal: Segmentation fault (11) Time: 7/22/15 02. Is there another way to configure the volume buttons on my keyboard?

Your update did not include new plasma-volume-control with the keyboard shortcut inclusions, that version just now moved to all users.

Make sure your mirror is synced, then update again.

Several option to get the shortcuts to work prior to plasma-volume-control being ready for it are mentioned in this thread though......