I'm periodic user of Octave for many aspects of my work. Since I change to KaOS, I have been experimenting 2 issues so far that I like to be solved in KaOS:
1. Installing the version available for Octave in the KaOS repositories will also install the dependency Graphicsmagik by default, also included in the repos of KaOS. The problem is that Graphicsmagik is packaged using "--with-quantum-depth=8", which I guess comes by default. Normally, Octave requires "--with-quantum-depth=16" and other stuff () and the correct options "tuned" for octave (shown in the link above).
Can this be automatically included in the next versions of Graphicsmagik and Octave for KaOS ?
2. The recent problem I'm experimenting with Octave, is that the Octave "external" package gl2ps () is not included in the 4.0.0 version (latest) packaged for KaOS. The workaround for this is unknown to me, but several forums for other distros indicate that the package should be installed and then Octave rebuilt, or Octave be built from scratch including this package.
Can this be done in the next versions of Octave?, this package is essential for saving, printing and manipulating figures obtained with Octave, which... is pretty much a big functionality of Octave for many users.
Thanks for the answers or/and the new package versions.