I know the distro has started with the name kdeos, it has changed to KaOS but what is the meaning of it?

I do a preliminary guess at KdeankeOperatingSystem, is that correct?

Nope, a distribution/operating system build around the K desktop > K (tiny a for pronunciation) OS

In Spanish is really great, because KaOS phonetically sounds like caos, wich in English means chaos. Although Kaos of chaos has nothing. ;-)

If you just speak it as one word, it is chaos in many languages :)

That is why it should be pronounced as "K" a......."O" "S"

For Spanish speakers is very difficult "down" the "a"!!

KaOS is nice name :)

In spanish song caos = chaos

I like KaOS name.

Me gusta el nombre de KaOS, como suene en otros idiomas es lo de menos :)

20 days later
4 months later

Ok, looking for the word Chaos in Wikipedia, I found this: "Chaos (Greek χάος, khaos) refers to the formless or void state preceding the creation of the universe or cosmos in the Greek creation myths, more specifically the initial "gap" created by the original separation of heaven and earth." ())

And If KaOS is a "distribution..... build from scratch (the void)", the name has much meaning for me.


Bueno, buscando la palabra Caos en la Wikipedia, encontre esto: " En algunos relatos cosmogónicos griegos, el Caos es aquello que existe antes que el resto de los dioses y fuerzas elementales, es decir, el estado primigenio del cosmos infinito. El término procede del griego antiguo Χάος, ‘espacio que se abre’,1 o ‘hendidura’, y procede del verbo χἄω, que en formas derivadas significa ‘bostezar’, ‘abrirse una herida’ o ‘abrirse de una caverna’"

Dado que KaOs es una "distribucion ....construida desde cero (la nada)", el nombre toma mucho significado para mi.

----------------------- Y SIIIIIIIIIIIII.... Suena Perfecto En Español ....

2 months later

I should've read this first, I've been telling friends that I started using this new distribution and pronouncing it as "chaos"