I thought I would try Wayland and now my desktop is broken, even when I select plasma at login, using tty2. Possibly my nvidia card is responsible. The screen freezes on autologin and only my bluetooth mouse and Yakuake work. The "K" button doesn't appear and other icons are either missing or not in the correct place. None of them work when clicked, including Octopi. What actions I can perform occur at very slow speed. Using 'kdesu dolphin' I have looked to see what files I need to correct, but am at a loss. I would like to try to reinstall plasma, but can't find it using pacman (I understand this is probably because KaOS is unique). Nor can I see the packages in the package list. The last resort is to reinstall KaOS, but I hope to avoid that, if possible. Can anyone assist in recovering my plasma, please? Thanks.
KDE Desktop Broken (Solved)
Thanks, but I don't need to chroot because Yakuake still works. As I said, I don't know what files to fix either, which is why I thought reinstalling plasma would work around that issue. I don't know how to find the packages for plasma and hope someone can help.
I don't know how to find the packages for plasma and hope someone can help.
Try it
$ pacman -Qe | grep plasma
There are many package groups in use, in your case to reinstall all plasma 5.4.1 & frameworks 5.14.0:
sudo pacman -S kf5 plasma5
(To see all the available package groups, "pacman -Sg")
Many thanks. I'll reinstall the lot.
Unfortunately, reinstall didn't work. Yakuake and the mouse and keyboard work, but the screen is frozen. There are nine "k" icons on the left side of the panel, other panel icons are out of position, some are missing and none work. If I click on a 'K" icon about 10 minutes later I get the menu box outline, but no detail. Seems like a config or X problem, but none of the files I have checked give any clues. demm, have you any suggestions where to look, please. Failing that it looks like a reinstall. Sorry for the bother.
I logged in as root and everything worked as normal, so I realised it had to be broken files in my home directory. I deleted a lot, including desktop, menu and plasma config files, rebooted and my system seems to be OK. I'll stay away from nvidia and wayland in future.