KaOS piqued an interest to further learning -- particularly KDE and pacman -- that had become dormant in me. of late. IMHO few distros of real interest have appeared over the past couple years. Yours is an exception, Devs.
Call me 'oldschool,' but I normally prefer the CLI for package manipulation and either no DE or lite ones like LXDE or XFCE, at the heaviest, and have eschewed KDE until running across your independent distro (emphasis on independent). I was intro'd to UNIX via Sun workstations and GIS software in about 2000, using GNU/Linux exclusively since 2009.
I am not a fanboy of any particular distro, but favor Debian with secondary interest in Slackware. I use lubuntu when I have to, to simply get the job at hand done. It has become like Windoze of old to me -- almost a necessary evil. Adamently Arch fanboys irk me, but I classify in my own mind any Linux distro by its package manager. Irritation has waned and an interest in seeing what pacman is all about (particularly vis-a-vis Slack) has gained the upper hand.
Pardon my seeming ignorance when it comes to these two -- KDE and pacman -- but I am broadening out and hope to learn something here. Maybe this forum can be of help. I hope so. Repository editing is my first concern.