Hello everybody,

I've been doing some petitions in the forum without any presentation and it's a lack of education.

I'm a spanish user of Gnu/Linux since Suse 6.3. I came from Galicia to be exact, if that matters.

Why doing an introduction in this forum? Well, all the time as Gnu/Linux user I've never participated with the community. Only some questions in some forums in a selfish matter. Why not? Because I've always felt myself as a costumer, not a member of something. But this year this vision of mine started to change and it was very grateful to me. I felt good participating more actively in some projects in the unique way I can or I know: with translations (to galician mainly).

I realized that if I wanted quality free software I had to colaborate in some manner; I realized that "we are the free software", not a company or a enterprise; WE.

I think free software is the only way to maintain the power over our digital life. And our lives, everyday are more "digitals".

And I think, and it is a daily war of mine, that the public sphere should be "free" in terms of software in order to acquire more democracy and a better public spending. And with special emphasis on education ambit, where the existance of private and expensive software is a shame, and only contribute to form future dependents of a given program. And the wheel goes on...

Stop philosophize!!!

I like KaOS. I really like it. I don't know why, but I feel comfortable with it. But there was a day in which "Chakra Linux" also liked; And then it was a deception to me, and the distrohopping started again. So I don't count the chickens before they hatch, this time.

But I wish KaOS survive, and becomes a consolidated distro. And I wish the way it is starting is maintained over the time.

The only lack about it is the few packages in repositories, but we are probably spoiled in other distros and perhaps the KaOS way is a better form of doing this. An this lack is really half lack, because of the easy of building new packages (PKGBUILD) I'm learning with the FAQ. Maibe it is a suprise to me the lack of all Kde in repositories. I mean, I expect having all Kde possible related software in repositories (I'm thinking in Kile now, issue I noticed when I request Lyx other day). But again, this is half problem and the slackware way isn't too bad ;)

The other thing I feel rare with, is the wish of substitute Linux with Illumos in the future. But mainly because I have to use the wikipedia to know about it. I've never heard about Illumos before. Perhaps an entry on the faq or someplace, explaining it.

And, finally, I wish the forums maintain the feedback I'm seeing this days. But, well, this may be result of the few community around here (yet, I wish).

So, this is me, and this is my thinking.

Best wishes.

Thanks for the thoughtful post, what you explained here was my reason for starting to help with distros 4-5 years ago.

Packages will stay few, but about 200 more will be added over time, that will be max. Reason not all KDE packages are added, is simple, not filling up the limited size of the repos with packages no-one uses. Any that will be added from now on have to show they add something for a unique task not covered by any other package so far.

Illumos reason is easiest to just Google, see what is about, but that switch is not possible right now. Before KaOS started, Illumos was looked at first, but the obstacles are too big right now, package manager, installer, toolchain support, all those basics missing on a level to make a rolling KDE distro.

Why Illumos and not FreeBSD? It is eavy developed with interesting features as jail, zfs, bhyve......Should be nice to have a FreeBSD derivate rolling.