If your eyes go to tears everytime you turn on GIMP or Firefox from the clash of QT/gtk themes, you'll be very happy to know that someone has gone through alot of trouble to make KDE Breeze themes for GTK 2/3.

You can download their lovingly crafted themes here:

You can install it by copying the extracted theme folders to : /usr/share/themes/

Go to: System Settings > Application Style > Gnome Application Style

Choose Breeze-gtk or Breeze-dark-gtk under GTK themes and you're good to go.

If you have a custom colors (aka you've deviated from blue for toggles, scrollbars, etc), it may still clash a bit as the GTK themes use use Breeze's blue on white color scheme. I may at some point make a fork that changes all the blue assets to orange. If you're interested, let me know and I'll post it up here.

UPDATE: I put together an orange on white variant of the above GTK themes. Seems to work well but haven't tested it much. I'll probably be putting up all my other color schemes on opendesktop.org when I have a chance but here is my GTK theme for now:

Has been up in KCP for quite some time:

kcp -i gnome-breeze

Well... I actually searched through octopi for "gtk theme", "gtk" and looked through the gtk-integration section, it wasn't in any of those places. having it on your repo if your a new user and don't know it's there and octopi doesn't even have it in gtk-integration isn't that helpful. You should consider including it in the distro install as the default gtk theme (or at least as an available already installed theme) for the sake of UI cohesion.

Section for Package Management has videos how to use Octopi, including KCP (yes, you easily can search in Octopi for "gtk" in KCP)

Website has a main header menu for KCP, including a link to KCP, and a link to a Guide for KCP. That includes instructions for both cli kcp and octopi kcp.

No matter how many instructions you add, it will never be enough......

As for cohesiveness, default in KaOS is NOT breeze, it is qtcurve widget style for Midna, the gtk version is part of a default install.

5 days later

No matter how many instructions you add, it will never be enough......

I looked at your video, demm, very well made but there was nothing on it that I hadn't figured out after using Octopi during the first half an hour, so please stow away that condescending tone.

Can you find Gnome Breeze (not gtk) by searching for gtk or gtk theme in Octopi? No. That's my point. Someone that doesn't know of it's existence will use those keywords to look for a gtk theme. It doesn't come up under those search terms. You could fix that by adding those keywords to the package meta (assuming package meta is supported by octopi). You could also add the package to the gtk-integration section if Octopi doesn't.

And yes, I know you have your own midna theme but gnome breeze looks a heck of alot better with midna than does oxygen-gtk seeing how both breeze and midna are flat white designs with blue highlights, with the same checkboxes, progress bars and oxygen-gtk is a clunky outdated grey 3d design.

Octopi has a button to show only KCP packages, there is it.