
I am a long time Linux user that settled on openSUSE. I've been quite interested in this distro since I discovered it some months ago. I love openSUSE but wanted to try a purely QT5-geared distro and it's nice that it's more lightweight. I was waiting to try it until the 2015.11 ISO was released. Well, I installed it, but it wasn't without difficulty. I have a dedicated HDD for Linux so no mucking with other HDDs or partitions. I need UEFI for my setup. I made a disk image on my USB flash drive with the openSUSE Imagewriter on another computer. It turns out the reason the install kept failing was because, for some reason, it booted as BIOS instead of UEFI (I have no idea why). The only reason I figured this out was because I looked at the debug information in the installer. I burned the DVD ISO image (even though my drive supports 8x burning minimum instead of the recommended 4x) and it installed pretty much without issue. However, there was one problem. Upon booting into the live environment with both the flash drive and DVD my mouse (a Logitech G600 Gaming mouse) was not functioning properly. Left or right clicking resulted in the cursor jumping all the way to the left side of screen and left clicks were not registered. Fortunately I had a seperate old generic Logitech mouse I used to start the installation and I'm still using it now.

A question about two apps: I frequently use Akregator and KRename. Neither one of these appear to be packaged. Is that correct? It also appears that neither of these have been ported to Qt5/KF5. Is that correct as well? Is that why they're not packaged?

Hi mresssex, welcome to KaOS.

An ISO booting in UEFI or BIOS is entirely up to the motherboard/user selection, make sure you look at the USB boot options, you probably missed there were 2 choices for your USB stick to boot into.

Krename seems complete dead, last activity was in 2012. Apps that need the KDE 4 desktop can't run on KaOS.

KaOS keeps splitting of packages to a minimum, kdepim is shipped as the kdepim devs release it, one PIM suite, were akregator is just one of the components. Install kdepim and you will have it.

Hi mresssex, welcome to KaOS.

An ISO booting in UEFI or BIOS is entirely up to the motherboard/user selection, make sure you look at the USB boot options, you probably missed there were 2 choices for your USB stick to boot into.

Krename seems complete dead, last activity was in 2012. Apps that need the KDE 4 desktop can't run on KaOS.

KaOS keeps splitting of packages to a minimum, kdepim is shipped as the kdepim devs release it, one PIM suite, were akregator is just one of the components. Install kdepim and you will have it.

Thank you for the response.

Yes, it is entirely possible I mistakenly chose to boot the flash drive as BIOS instead of UEFI.

I thought I read that KRename was being ported to Qt5/KF5 but I seem to be wrong. All the information I found, or lackthereof, concurs with what you said: It appears to be dead, sadly. I use this application a lot. :/

It is not possible to run KDE4 apps in KDE5 with the use of support libraries or something else?

So are you inferring that Akregator may or could be split into its own package in the future in the KaOS repos? I would like that. I don't use the rest of the PIM suite so I'd like to not have to install it all. I will install the PIM suite now though since I have no other choice as to getting Akregator.

Cheers, I look forward to using the distro. I may switch my laptop and netbook to KaOS in the near future.

KaOS has always been about focus, one DE in this case. From the start of the Plasma 5 move the choice was right away made not to mix and match KDE 4 with Plasma 5. Only those applications that just needed kdelibs (4) could stay. Any that needed part of the actual desktop (kde-runtime kde-workspace 4) were either ported in early stages or left the repo.

As for krename, abandoned projects are no candidate ever to enter the repo.

Please read a bit more about KaOS and keeping splitting to minimum. If developers of an app feel their application should be shipped has one whole piece, it will be packaged that way here. Splitting of kdepim will not happen unless kdepim devs themselves feel it is the better way.