Is it possible the package 'scrot' in the

Offer resources?

KScreenGenie makes only png images.

Many Thanks!


And why not open an image in gwenview and save in whatever format you like?

Kscreengenie is no longer in your install though if you is replaced with spectacle

4 days later

I were able to save in JPEG with Kscreengenie

Also with this update the "Impr Pant" is not launching spectacle

Spectacle replaced Kscreengenie, updates do not write to what you have set in your /home directory.

You need to update the keyboard shortcut for PrintScrn.

A few ways to do so, simplest:

right click menu/kickoff launcher > Edit Applications > find Spectacle in the left han column > highlight it > right side "Advanced" tab > "Current shortcut key" > click "None" > select PrtScrn and hit save

Actually, not sure why neither one of you looked at the drop down "save" menu in spectacle.....

Only default is save to .png, if you select "save as", you can save in any format.

Actually, not sure why neither one of you looked at the drop down "save" menu in spectacle.....

Only default is save to .png, if you select "save as", you can save in any format.

That feature was in KScreenGenie. Why the change? I can't notice anything diferent

Kscreengenie is Spectacle, the git repo was renamed and some new commits, that's all.

I guess some upstream didn't like the name the kscreengenie dev took for his app, so he had to change the name.