Since the removal is for some well known packages an announcement for these deems needed.
Linux-lts (and those needed by it) is no longer part of KaOS. This had a brief discussion on G+:
Two others that have been removed will hopefully be able to come back in the future. Rekonq, the KDE web-browser is in an abandoned state for about 1 1/2 years, the port to kf5 was started at that time but never finished. It is unusable as is, thus there is no choice but to remove.
Another that sadly had to be removed is k3b. The kf5 port started almost 2 years ago, but has stalled the last 10-12 months. Currently it doesn't even build anymore. When about 5 patches are used it will build, but can do nothing. It can't burn ISOs, that part is not ported yet. When inserting an audio CD it will segfault, ripping CDs is not possible (all these are known upstream bugs, which are not getting any attention). Trial builds for k3b will continue with any commit that will be done and as soon at is back in a working state it will re-enter the repos.