I just installed kaos with plans to use it essentially as an HTPC. I tried streaming from HBOgo and Hulu but the video does not load. Some sites that do not use flash players work fine, such as Amazon Prime. I believe the problem is due to the need for the functionality provided by HAL in other distros. Is there anyway to get this functionality in Kaos? I cannot find any HAL related packages in the repos or KCP. Thanks in advance.

HAL is depreciated, replaced by udev/systemd.

What exactly is your issue with for example streaming Hulu? No issue here....

What browser in use? If not Chrome, did you install flashplugin?

Ah, missed the new Hulu DRM settings.

Looks like you will need to add this to your install:

See the Packaging Guide for instructions:

PKGBUILD for it is already available:

If you think more would like to have this:

Thanks for the help. Hulu working but still not able to watch on HBOGo. Works on Manjaro after adding libhal, so not sure what the issue is there.


Works after logout-login. Thanks again. I guess I'll just have to remember to update this manually?

I've tried publishing this to KCP but not seeing it yet. I've never pushed a package to AUR or anything before, so please let me know if I've made some error.

KCP is not AUR, make sure to follow the KCP Guide I linked you.

I did. I pushed the package to git, and I was admitted to the KCP group by you, but when I search the KCP either on kaosx.us or github my package is not found.

I see where you pushed (and not at all following the KCP Guide), you pushed to your own github account:

You need to create the new repository here:

ONLY upload the files needed to build the package, not the source, not the files created during a build. In this case ONLY submit the PKGBUILD to KCP, nothing else needed.

1. I'm an admitted newb trying to help out other newbs coming behind me who might need this HAL functionality. Cut me some slack.

2. I followed every single step in the guide. The guide includes the line to include other files besides PKGBUILD without specifying what sort of files would not be needed. This should be clarified.

3. I pushed to my github account because the guide is again ambiguous. It says to go to the main work page and create the new repository. I did exactly that. It should specify at that step that the repository needs to be created in the KaOS-Community-Packages.