
I am a php developer, So I want to install ampps on my kaos . I am new to Kaos, So can anyone explain me how to install ampps on my kaos & also start ampps with a shortcut key with root access.

You might get more response if you explained/linked to ampps.

I am managed to install ampps on my kaos.

FIrst you have to download latest ampps 64 bit from link

1) Open Dolphin File manager.

2) Right click to open a new root file manager.

3) Navigate to ampps.run (64 bit) file .

4) Right click on ampps and choose run in console command to execute ampps

5) Installation might take some time & you should have working network connection while installing ampps

6) To Run ampps, Open dolphin file manager in root mode.

7) Navigate to /usr/local/ampps/ and choose ampps executable file to run ampps.

But I cannot start ampps with a shortcut key.

That is when I set custom shortcut Meta+A and browse to root folder and navigate to file /usr/local/ampps/ampps,

it said ampps needs to run as root.

Can you tell me what is the command to run ampps as root with a shortcut key meta+A.

systemsettings > shortcuts > custom shortcuts > drop down menu under "edit" > New > Global Shortcut > Command/URL

in the right pane fill in a Comment if you want, Trigger tab > meta + a > Action tab " kdesu /usr/local/ampps/ampps"

and save/apply