
I just installed new ISO KaOS-2016.03.11-x86_64.iso and I love new win-deco and blue-gray style. Icons are also very nice and decent - except for Ark utility - toxic green distructs me :) And lockscreen is not perfect in Czech language:

It is obviously because of longer texts in translation. Can it be moved to left a little. And can I do that in some qml file of midna theme on my computer (to test correct possition for example)?

All is set in simple qml files, see in /usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel/org.kde.midna.desktop/contents/lockscreen/

I wil try it. And two other things: 1) kate icon is badly visible on main panel if kate is running. 2) QupZilla uses light blue (almost white) color for title of pre-loaded tabs (tab loaded from previous sessions) - it is also badly visible.

New icons are on your way :)

It will address the issue you see with kate among others.


I did some changes to make login screen more readable in czech language:

It is not align on bottom, but it is not so bad :)

I find correct qml file under /usr/share/sddm/themes/midna/Main.qml. Maybe I poorly named it lockscreen, and it is a different kind of screen. Here is file with my changes: http://adam.234.cz/kaos/Main.qml