
I have installed Bitnami Mean Stack 3.2.3-1 and when I go to " Go to Application " I get the message (could not start process cannot talk to klauncher Not connected to Dbus-Server). When I try and open the " Application Folder " I get the message ( we are sorry Konqueror closed unexpectedly) ( Executable: konqueror PID: 11276 Signal: Aborted (6) Time: 3/15/16 00) .

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

How would I fix this ? As I had another Dbus-Server issue with another application recently


How did you install that application?

Hi Demm,

chmod + X bitnami-meanstack-3.2.3-1-linux-x64-installer.run


as root


On a rolling distro do not start installing applications outside the package manager, you WILL loose track what all is installed and eventually will see conflicting files no-one can help you figure why.

Always use makepkg/pacman to install all, see the website for the Packaging Guide.

Did you check if this script run installs in the correct path? Possible it uses lib64 as install path, if so, it can't be found in KaOS.

Again, for packages not in the repo or KCP, make sure to read and use the Packaging Guide.

Also, did you check the system requirements, is this a 64 bit application or does it need lib32 to run? See the FAQ why KaOS does not support lib32.

Basically demm what id like to do is install a web-server and CMS. Can you suggest a way this might be done in kaOS without to much complications ?