
New first-time KaOS user here!

I've enabled the repo and installed KDE Plasma 5.6 (beta) but noticed the GRUB and Plymouth Breeze themes aren't available.

In fact, if I run sudo pacman -Ss plymouth I don't see anything at all, meaning Plymouth itself not available?

Any chance of getting Plymouth and themes?

Thank you,


Make sure to understand what KaOS is. From the Home page:

........There is no goal to make the most possible software available, KaOS will stay limited in size of the repositories,........

Plymouth won't be added, you are free to add whatever you like though, see:

KaOS works very hard to provide a complete theme tailored to KaOS, a grub theme has always been part of that. But that always has been just one theme.......

Not all that KDE adds will be in the repos, another grub them is one of them, see the links above how to add if you need/want them.