Since Qtcurve is default in KaOS (and not effected) and this is under review (as noted in IRC, they are discussing it right now), will wait with applying until this is fully reviewed and committed.


OK, it is reviewed and committed now, patch will be applied.


I did an upgrade with the build-repo activated. It looks quite good. The empty history of the Application Launcher disappeared. I did not mention this issue before.

Current State of KMail and Akonadi?

The poor exposure of the KMail folders seems to have gone, the SMTP issue with outgoing mail is still there.

I played also with btrfs and snapshots and I am quite surprised how fast the upgrade went through.

Best regards,


6 days later

Here is the link with the current test iso, including its md5sum:


(Calculate the md5sum: Open Dolphin, navigate to the ISO, press F4, write: md5sum into the console, press space, drag and drop the iso into the Konsole and choose "paste location", press Enter.)