The last required package for KaOS has moved to Qt 5, hplip 3.16.5 is now PyQt5/python3 based.
This means Qt 4 can be removed from the repos.
Of course this means all that still depend on Qt 4 and have no port (or no active development anymore) will have to leave the repos too.
Question to all of you, time to remove all these not really maintained packages anymore? Wait another 6 months and keep all these obsolete and complete unmaintained Qt 4 itself (no security fixes from upstream either)?
Packages this involves are the last kdelibs 4 depending: amarok juk k3b k9copy kaffeine
Straight Qt 4 apps: converseen fcitx fcitx-mozc luckybackup freecad clibgrap qucs qgis unetbootin