- Edited
Welcome to the new KaOS forum. It is quite a change from the previous, phpBB based forum.
Reason for the switch is difficult maintenance of the former, no easy integration with the much clearer tag system, too limited in the search options. Plus a move to unlimited scrolling, with a default setting of showing a stream of posts makes reading a forum much more intuitive. Security/better login options are also a must.
Using Flarum software offers all the above. It is very new, what you see here is a Beta version, but the extensions systems already offers more then any other option tried.
You can already use your github account to access this forum, no need to create a new account.
Is there an interest to add FaceBook and Twitter login options too?
For those who do not have their email account from the previous forum the same as what is used on github, you will need to get in touch to get a new password.
Use IRC (http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=kaosx), Gitter (https://gitter.im/KaOSx/KaOS/) or email directly at demm@kaosx.us to get in touch for a new password.
Post any feedback you have for this forum here. Hopefully you will see it as an improvement too.
It is no longer needed to request a new password with the above methods. The mail server works now, just click "forgot password" and you can create a new one yourslef.