With the upcoming move of KDE 4.12.1, the whole xorg 1.15 stack, llvm group update to stable, it is time for a new ISO.

First minimal test ISO is up. As far as ISO testing goes, there are no big changes. Biggest is the update to kmod and new mkinitcpio that effect ISO creation and live boot, but those have been tested thoroughly (locally) before moving to stable.

So this is expected to be a short test cycle, if no real issues are found on 2014.01.14 ISO, expect the final full test ISO to be up in 1-2 days.

Visual change is the move to homerun-kicker, see if you like the size and if there are enough favorites marked.

Test ISO location

Release notes:

I'll repeat again, first ISO, minimal always, has no language packs, almost no apps, this is for checking if it boots in X, the Installer starts, KDE 4.12.1 shows no regressions.

Do not report issues with missing language packs/settings.......

Test ISOs are build on the repo, any testers using these ISOs, make sure you know how to edit pacman.conf to add it.

The 7 basic favorites in the new homerun-kicker is more then enough imo, also the size of the menu is very good.

A new test ISO, full version now, is up.

Looks like it is not the final yet, some issues here with non-free Nvidia install.

If you see the new test ISO, no need to start testing it yet, need to figure first what caused the Nvidia issues.

What should be the final ISO is up for testing, Nvidia issue fixed (plus another 12 small bugs/inconsistencies corrected since the first test ISO).

Since it might take some time before source-forge has the ISO available, it is uploaded to the main server too, please try source-forge first, if not ready there, then get it from with:

If no issues found, expect this to be released as new stable tonight/tomorrow morning.