6 days later
  • [deleted]

Nice last one!

13 days later


Posted your conky please? :)

15 days later

Bonito :-)

Enviado desde mi Xiaomi Redmi

20 days later
3 months later

Nothing fancy here. I always want it simple with nothing in the way or distracting. Of course the panel autohides, but I left it showing up for the pic.


I only post a shot of the clean desktop for now. I'll take another shot busy whenever I'm done customizing flattr. I like the toolbar and menu icons, but I prefer oxygen for the rest. Specially for folders and mimetypes in Dolphin. I want Oxygen there and a few things more. Perhaps I'll grab some stuff from some other theme. Let's see...

well i did not much customization here but i will post later when i customized it a new image !.

12 days later



What plasmoid is that on the right? What icon set is that in dolphin, I like it.



What plasmoid is that on the right? What icon set is that in dolphin, I like it.


It is not plasmoide is conky and the theme is this

The icons are nitrux compass.

a month later

Proposal for the System and Systemsetting Icons:

Muy chulo tu escritorio @dago

Gracias. ;)



What plasmoid is that on the right? What icon set is that in dolphin, I like it.


It is not plasmoide is conky and the theme is this

The icons are nitrux compass.

How do you install conky-lua?


It is not plasmoide is conky and the theme is this

The icons are nitrux compass.

How do you install conky-lua?

It is not conky-lua, is conky and is in the repos of Kaos.

21 days later
7 days later

Mi escritorio de Septiembre, aunque mi equipo no tiene muchas prestaciones en hardware, con KaOS va muy fluido. Hasta ahora muy contento.

5 days later

Aquí va el mio.

Hi, MrBrutico... One word for this desktop style, "AWESOME...!"

4 months later

I just installed KaOS one week ago; here is my current desktop inspired by my Kubuntu desktop (that particular laptop had a major hardware failure).