I installed my printer Epson WF-2760 DWF but I cannot scan. Is there no open-source driver ? I found a driver for Fedora as *rpm but cannot install - don't understand what to do.
Scan with Epson WF-2760 DWF
Did you read:
Troubleshooting section:
I've read the instructions, but I'm not really smart. My multi-functional printer Epson WF-2760 DWF is not connected via USB but as a network printer. Printing works.
I do not get any scanner drivers for KaOS, I have for Fedora * rpm file. Do not know how I can make it all work. Have also no programming learned.
Let's first see what you have installed as an actual scanning application:
pacman -Qs scan
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$ pacman -Qs scan
local/cloog 0.18.1-5
Library that generates loops for scanning polyhedra
local/flex 2.6.2-1 (base-devel)
A tool for generating text-scanning programs
local/iscan 2.30.1-1
EPSON Image Scan! front-end for scanners and all-in-ones
local/iscan-data 1.36.0-1
EPSON Image Scan! data files
local/iscan-plugin-perfection-v370 1.0.0-1
EPSON Image Scan! plugin for Epson Perfection V370 scanner
local/libksane 16.08.3-1 (kdegraphics)
An image scanning library
local/nmap 7.31-1
Network exploration tool and security/port scanner
local/sane 1.0.25-1
Scanner Access Now Easy
local/skanlite 2.0.1-1 (graphics)
Image Scanning Application for KDE
How did you install the iscan packages, since they don't show up in your previous posted pacman -Qm......
Please post pacman -Qm one more time and again, use code tags for cli output as explained to you yesterday.
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$ pacman -Qm
attica 0.4.2-2
breeze4 5.6.5-1
clipgrab 3.5.6-1
cloog 0.18.1-5
franz 4.0.4-1
htmlcxx 0.85-1
imagewriter 1.10.11-2
iscan 2.30.1-1
iscan-data 1.36.0-1
iscan-plugin-perfection-v370 1.0.0-1
isl 0.13-3
juk 16.04.0-1
k9copy 3.0.3-1
kdelibs 4.14.19-2
kget 15.11.70-1
libdbusmenu-qt 0.9.2-2
libqzeitgeist 0.8.0-4
libstdc++5 3.3.6-5
phonon 4.9.0-1
phonon-backend-gstreamer 4.9.0-1
polkit-qt 0.112.0-1
pyqt-python2 4.11.4-2
qca 2.1.1-1
qt 4.8.7-4
qt5-quick1 5.7.0-1
qtscriptgenerator 0.2.0-2
qtwebkit 2.3.4-2
recode 3.6-7
strigi 0.7.8-10
transcode 1.1.7-20
ufw-frontends 0.3.2-1
xine-lib 1.2.6-5
I have 2 Epson scanner. The V37 don't work with KaOS only with Debian 8. And WF-2760 don't work with KaOS and Debian 9. :/
What is wrong?
You need to check the already linked epson instructions, I'll repeat the link:
Most Epson all-in-ones need such a udev rule.
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My solution:
I have the IP of the WF-2760 in the file /etc/sane.d/epson2.conf with root rights in the line net 192.168. *. registered and before the # removed.
ScanLite started and it worked.
XSane is however more comfortable and has a few adjustment possibilities more. Scan in *.pdf, ...
Maybe someone finds the XSane compiled for KaOS