Hellow Guys,

as there is no guide how to get on KaOS when using a Mac i tried making a bootable USB via Mac dd command.

thats what it printed out:

sudo dd if=KaOS-2016.11-x86_64.iso of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1m
dd: /dev/rdisk2: Input/output error
15+0 records in
14+0 records out
14680064 bytes transferred in 5.290054 secs (2775031 bytes/sec)

so... any ideas or another way how to get KaOS running on that USB ?

Thank you Guys for that great distribution!

https://etcher.io is really awesome. works really well, and it's in the kcp if you need to use it in kaos. also, if you're dual booting your mac, you might want to install refind

2 months later

thank you verry mouch jerry, even when its late!
etcher did a really great job!

whats refind, you are talking about ?