How can I get Firefox to load the google sites as it did before. For the last three or so days Firefox will not load any of the google sites, the error code is saying the sites are not secure. I also noticed the widevine package is not loading in Firefox addons any longer. Widevine is loading in Vivaldi just fine. Any help would be much appreciated.

Post the link that Octopi >tools > SysInfo creates.

I have found the problem, the NSS package, when upgraded from 3.27-1 to 3.28-1 breaks Firefox's ability to load all the google sites. I downgraded and can now view all the google sites in Firefox.

Moving. Not an issue for regular users, nss 3.28 is only in the build repo.

Issue fixed here with Firefox 50.1.0-2, please confirm so there is no need to remove nss 3.28 from build.

With the upgrade of Firefox 50.1.0-2 the problem is fixed, thanks Demm.

Confirmed, fixed here too.