I em having problem with writing diacritics using compose key (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compose_key) in Czech keyboard layout. This key should be right before backspace (in standard keyboard it is key for + and =). And it is there because acute (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_accent) diacritics is fine (using this key without shift), but caron (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caron) is not working (should be this key with shift).
For example á,é,í,ó,ú is ok. But d,t,n should be ď, ť, ň.
I em not sure for how log this is happening, but maybe one or two month (I did not use this letters very often).
Czech diacritics keyboard problem
And it seems that the problem is limited on Qt applications, because in Firefox or LibreOffice it is working fine.
I'm pretty sure I have seen an upstream Qt bug report for this, will see if I can find a patch.
I think it is this bugreport: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-56452. It seems unsolved. Sugestion there is to use ibus input method instead of compose - which I em not sure how to do (and I probably don't want to at this moment).
- Edited
Hello, just to inform that problem is resolved now. It is OK, but few places are problematic still (like some web forms under qupzilla - but for example this form in this forum is working, form in transiflex is not). I add tag as solved - it is not resolved completly, but it probably still be an upstream problem.
This problem persists as of 13 Sep 2022:
I am unable to properly write my full name (Spanish acute accent), required for KaOS installation.
I ended up using Falkon to copy the character from the web.