I read somewhere but i cant remember, but basically i heard that kaos might consider going to illumos kernel, i thought about it real hard last night and thought it would be really weird.mostly because those unix bsd kernels have limited hardware support ,and its very hard or impossible getting bsd unixes to run on amd stuff, and graphics,heck sometimes its hard to even get freebsd working on an intel machine.And not only that but i bet that the software choice for illumos is very poor, isnt it more suited for server stuff? why would kaos even consider that? I know i tried TrueOS which is freebsd based, and it was bad. sure it had a decent selection of software , but wacom tablets dont work in it and much of the graphic drawing software in it is super old , and video play is bad and choppy in webbrowsers. I think bsd is best for server stuff only, its horrible on desktops. So im worried about kaos
Is kaos really gonna go illumus ?
demm added the Feedback & Suggestions tag .
You read it here:
When KaOS started in 2013, first trials were for an Illumos based kernel, but quickly showed as not feasible.
As you noted, lack of hardware support, but also virtually no tools, all had to be done from scratch. No installer, no package manager, no real support for KDE on Qt.
But that does not mean Illumos is forgotten, It will always be under consideration, will always be followed to see if it could be a viable alternative. Problem is, no progression in the 4 years since, mainly regressions.......