When I shut down my computer, it does not turn off, starts again.
In kdmrc I changed the command halt to /usr/bin/systemctl poweroff, but I have not gotten anything
In other distros I don't have this problem
When I shut down my computer, it does not turn off, starts again.
In kdmrc I changed the command halt to /usr/bin/systemctl poweroff, but I have not gotten anything
In other distros I don't have this problem
Scripts are used in kde-workspace to speed up shutdown, so when you start going against those settings, need to remove all scripts in kde-workspace too.
Plus where did you found "halt", it is already changed to poweroff in packaging kde-workspace, or are you installing non KaOS packages?
What I have changed is "HaltCmd: /sbin/poweroff" to "HaltCmd:/usr/bin/systemctl poweroff"
The problem is that the system really shuts down, but in less than 1 or 2 seconds switched on again
If I turn off from the console, does the same, with poweroff or with shutdown commands.
No reply to the question where you got that kdmrc, were you had to change "halt"? That is not part of a KaOS install.
When did this start? Live mode, not possible to shut-down, reboot then too? New install, right away this issue? Or started after changes you made?
Hola demm. Paso a escribir en español, creo que lo entiendes bien, y yo me expreso mejor que en inglés:
El kdmrc que cambié, era el original de la instalación de KAOS 2014.01
En el fichero cambié, como ya te dije, la orden "HaltCmd=/sbin/poweroff/" a "HaltCmd=/usr/bin/systemctl poweroff"
El problema está desde el principio. He vuelto a reinstalar, he actualizado y ahora estoy con KDE 4.12.2, y el problema sigue igual. No hay ningún archivo añadido que no sea de KaOS. Es instalación limpia y actualizada.
En otra partición tengo Manjaro KDE, y con Manjaro no me ocurre.
As I posted before, the "halt" command you seem to have in kdmrc is NOT how KaOS comes by default.
My Spanish is not good enough though to see if you can reproduce this in live mode, or new install, without you editing any.
The kdmrc I changed, was the original installation of KAOS 2014.01 (usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc)
In the file I changed, as I said, the "HaltCmd =/sbin/poweroff" to "HaltCmd =/usr/bin/systemctl poweroff" command
The problem is from the beginning. I reinstalled, I updated and now I'm with KDE 4.12.2, and the problem remains the same. No file added than KAOS. It is clean and updated facility.
On another partition I have Manjaro KDE, and with it, no problem
And what happens if you leave it at default? "HaltCmd =/sbin/poweroff"
Now, in kdmrc (with kde 4.12.2) the option for haltcmd is dissabled.
But, before upgrade (with default and with clean install), the problem was still there
I finally solved the problem.
I disabled the LAN in the BIOS (I had disabled the wake-up, but still reboot), and since I do not use onboard LAN, try to disable it, and I saw that the computer off and did not turn back on.
Demm, excuse the inconvenience created