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I have a problem when I boot on Kaos.
I had sometimes a problem when I booted, I was stuck then I just hard shutdown and reboot then, generally, my boot completed successfully.
When it blocked, it was always at a line of the systemd log : "Started update UTMP about Sytem Runlevel Changes" (see link with picture below).
It was not a big problem, but now I always have a problem and it happens generally at this same line. But it's not just blocked like before, my computer completly freeze (for instance I tried to change to tty2 (Alt + F2) but I can't, even the cursor (underscore) stop blinking).
I think it is because of my actions before the last reboot, I tried to install (following the tutorial hybrid graphics system) bumblebee. So I think this is the cause. But I really don't know how to fix it because I just cannot do anything before it freeze.
When I was able to change to the tty2, the login step was achieve, but I don't have enough time to log in and type some cmd.
here the picture of the systemd log when I boot, where I freeze (generally, because sometimes it passed it, the next line is "starting WPA supplicant", but still freeze ) : https://ibb.co/fGYBZF
My config :
CPU : intel core I7 6700HQ
GPU : Nvidia gtx1060
Kaos intsalled on a HDD