
I have a problem when I boot on Kaos.
I had sometimes a problem when I booted, I was stuck then I just hard shutdown and reboot then, generally, my boot completed successfully.
When it blocked, it was always at a line of the systemd log : "Started update UTMP about Sytem Runlevel Changes" (see link with picture below).

It was not a big problem, but now I always have a problem and it happens generally at this same line. But it's not just blocked like before, my computer completly freeze (for instance I tried to change to tty2 (Alt + F2) but I can't, even the cursor (underscore) stop blinking).
I think it is because of my actions before the last reboot, I tried to install (following the tutorial hybrid graphics system) bumblebee. So I think this is the cause. But I really don't know how to fix it because I just cannot do anything before it freeze.
When I was able to change to the tty2, the login step was achieve, but I don't have enough time to log in and type some cmd.

here the picture of the systemd log when I boot, where I freeze (generally, because sometimes it passed it, the next line is "starting WPA supplicant", but still freeze ) : https://ibb.co/fGYBZF

My config :
CPU : intel core I7 6700HQ
GPU : Nvidia gtx1060
Kaos intsalled on a HDD

Some logs and system info will be needed, but for what you show now, adding nvidia-bumblebee to a non hybrid system looks to be the issue.
If you need a GUI to get some needed logs, use a Live ISO to get the /var/log/pacman.log form the KaOS install (so not /var/log from the live mode).
Also in live mode get the output of inxi -G

So it is a hybrid system 🙂
Did you enable the bumblebeed.service, added your user to the bumblebee group?
If that was done, then more logs needed, either in tty2 get the full journalctl, or if you need a GUI, use the live ISO to chroot into the install to get the logs.

Or for now might be you want to use either tty2 or chroot into the install from live mode to revert the nvidia-bumblebee install and get back to a booting system first.

Yes of course, as explained in the tutorial I enabled the service and added me on the group.
Btw tutorial are very clear and we'll explained, it's very good quality.

Yes, I need my system to be totally functional at Monday. I prefer to get my system back and then retry another day.
How can I do this ? I don't have access to my tty2 on my installed because it freeze before.
With chroot I should be able to modifying the installed version directly on the live?

Thank you very much for your help

See the chroot tutorial:
When chrooted, revert all you did to install the bumblebee packages, including the commands to enable. That will bring you back to just using the the intel card.

Perfect, I'll let you know.

Thank you very much.

I thought before this bumblebee installation I was on Nvidia graphic system.
How do you know I used an Intel system ?

Your inxi -G command showed the system has both an intel and nvidia card, with the intel driver/card in use.
This might be the answer though to the problem, this nvidia card might be too old for the nvidia bumblebee version. If it is a new card, then it might be bumblebee is not ready for latest nvidia, and I would suggest trying to use the PRIME option.

6 days later


Sorry for the delay.

I chrooted and it work, I removed bumblebee and I get my system back.

Thamk you.

I will try PRIME instead and see what's happen