Y should be an optionto use systemd or not, there are other kde plasma distro whitout Systemd or not systemd dependant like PCLinuxOS , but i have to admit not asmuch good looking like KAOS

If you read the ideas behind KaOS you will know that will not happen. All is set to focus on one thing, one toolkit, one arch (x86_64), one DE (Plasma), one sound option (pulseaudio). That also includes focussing on one init system, systemd. So the focus is on selecting the most suitable, best option for this distro and keep all attention and work on just those choices, to make them the best they can be.
There will never be a change from that here. If a different init system should become better suited for this distro, then systemd will be replaced by whatever that init system might be, not added.

This pure focus is of course not suitable for many, but there are plenty of distros out there who do not focus at all, so KaOS stands out in that regard. Up to you as user if that is what you want, or select another distro.