
I'm Justinas from Lithuania. Hopping since 2006 (started withopenSuse I think, then some ubuntu, arch, gentoo, slackware, mint, manjaro, crunchbang, archbang, etc.) but always backing to arch. Just before KaOS I gave a solid OpenSuse 13.1 a try, lasted less than 12 hours. The theme was ugly, the graphical way of software management in there is somewhat super complicated I find octopi simple and clear. So it's a praise for KaOS - everything just worked out of the box plain and simple, beautiful and powerful. Though I'm familliar with the arch way (so it means doing things by hand/manually), but over the years I got bored of than it simply became annoying to spend couple of days just configuring system the way you want it to work/look and at the end of the day you want simple complete out of the box system which just works and lets you get the work done. So thank you KaOS developers for that!

Just curious, if an Arch install is what you prefer, but want an easier installation, why go with a distro that is not based on Arch like so many that give you the Arch repos, with a GUI installer (archbang, manjaro, bridge, antergos, etc) ?


You are welcome :)