Hello! I'm writing to ask if it would be possible to request a new KaOS package to be included in KCP - OpenMusic, a computer-assisted composition program: http://repmus.ircam.fr/openmusic/linux

Linux download links: https://forge.ircam.fr/p/OM/downloads/

I've tried building the package myself, but with no luck. Since I'm not so experienced with KaOS (used Ubuntu-based distros in the past), I decided to reach out in case anyone would like to help out.

Thank you!

There actually is nothing to build, see the link you provided:

There's also a tarball (.tar.bz2) available. After downloading and unpacking, OM can be run from inside the extracted folder, or be installed using the supplied Makefile. OM will look for its fonts (the omfonts package) at the usual places on your system.

So if you just want to use it yourself, just download, extract and run.

Thank you very much for your quick reply and advice. I was able to download and extract the OpenMusic package but I'm not sure how to run it. Double-clicking on the executable file brings up an error message: "Could not register handle for external module "libportmidi.so" (no file-name): libportmidi.so"

I know that this must be something very simple, so I appreciate your time to help and suggestions. Thank you once again for your time!

Install portmidi

sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S portmidi

To check if any missing lib is in the KaOS repositories and what package owns it, use the tool pkgfile, it is part of a default install and has a bashrc entry for you to use it easier. Make sure pkgfile is synced

sudo pkgfile -u

To use ( like this example):

:pf portmidi.so

It will show:

:pf portmidi.so
apps/portmidi 217-2     /usr/lib/libportmidi.so