Sorry for my English, I'm from Argentina

When I start the live mode (EFI or legacy) I'm stopped on the next screen


I use rufus and unetbootin, can that be the problem?


    Hi Pato, you need to use one of the supported methods to correctly boot the image installer on your system

    Thanks [unknown] ! I come home and I look it

      Rufus could be possible to use, but needs more testing before it will be added to supported options (and docs will be needed to explain how to use)
      Make sure NOT to use the default Rufus option to write, but check the dropdown menu and select the dd option/method, then your Live media should boot.
      The above image shows what happens when use complete unsupported Unetbootin, or default Rufus.

      Pato just as @demm replied before, in order to use rufus you need to use the dd option in the following order:

      1. Open the file dialog window and change the filter to All archives (*.*) and choose the image installer.
      2. Select the DD image on the Formatting options section.

      After that you are ready to go 🙂