Hello. Current KaOS (Plasma 5.12.4, QT: 5.10.1) still have a problem with small width of plaintext emails under Trojita IMAP client. It should be this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=378684. Is it possible that referenced webkit issue and commit is still not in the upstream? Can I ask of little investigation if the commit will be included in KaOS soon. Thank you.

I was hoping for an upstream thru fix, since either side blames the other for the issue. And should Trojita or QtWebkit be patched......
Best option will be to move Trojita to QtWebengine, seems that is their plan for the future.

Please test patched qtwebkit, will move to all users as soon as it is confirmed that it fixes issues with trojita:

sudo pacman -U http://kaosx.tk/repo/build/qtwebkit-tp-

Trojita is now OK on both computers I em using.