I use a headless KaOS installation for my Kodi system, which it working smooth. The only think I noticed I have problem with is my imon lcd display. I can get it to work until next reboot, then it wont start again. Looking at the system service for LCDproc, i get this error;

● lcdd.service - LCD display driver Loaded: loaded
(/usr/lib/systemd/system/lcdd.service; enabled; vendor preset:
enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2018-09-21
19:33:48 CEST; 19s ago Process: 314 ExecStart=/usr/bin/LCDd -c
/etc/LCDd.conf (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

sep 21 19:33:48 kodi systemd[1]: Starting LCD display driver... sep 21
19:33:48 kodi LCDd[314]: imonlcd: ERROR opening /dev/lcd0 (No such
file or directory). sep 21 19:33:48 kodi LCDd[314]: imonlcd: Did you
load the iMON kernel module? sep 21 19:33:48 kodi LCDd[314]: Driver
[imonlcd] init failed, return code -1 sep 21 19:33:48 kodi LCDd[314]:
Could not load driver imonlcd sep 21 19:33:48 kodi LCDd[314]: There is
no output driver sep 21 19:33:48 kodi LCDd[314]: Critical error while
initializing, abort. sep 21 19:33:48 kodi systemd[1]: lcdd.service:
Control process exited, code=exited status=1 sep 21 19:33:48 kodi
systemd[1]: lcdd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. sep 21
19:33:48 kodi systemd[1]: Failed to start LCD display driver.

Looking inside /dev i got lcd1. But if i change the setting to /dev/lcd1, I got the same error. But now I have /dev/lcd0 instead. It changes all the time.

This is part of LCDd.conf (with comments striped);


DriverPath=/usr/lib/lcdproc/ Driver=imonlcd Bind= Port=13666

Hello="" Hello=""

GoodBye="" GoodBye=""

WaitTime=5 ServerScreen=blank

ToggleRotateKey=Enter PrevScreenKey=Left NextScreenKey=Right

[menu] MenuKey=Escape EnterKey=Enter UpKey=Up DownKey=Down


Soundgraph iMON LCD


Any ideas why the lcd0/1 shift all the time?

Seems like I solved it. I added a udev rule ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usbmisc", ATTRS{idVendor}=="15c2", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0038", SYMLINK+="imonlcd" and added After=udev.target to lcdd.service. Now it seems to work after reboots to 🙂

Moved to proper tag since this is a question/issue related to a package you added to your install by building it yourself/not part of the KaOS repo.

    demm That's true. Got LCDProc from Arch PKGBUILD 🙂