I was running out of space, so I moved my home folder to another partition (im the only user), made the change in fstab. Everything is working fine except for sometimes it has troubles in the login
I throws this messages and goes again to the login screen. The only way to login is to put my password, go to TTY2 wait a few seconds a return back to TTY1 (i don't know if thats the name)
This messages stay, and if I close it or click okay, it kills my session and goes back to login screen

Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation.

I have everything updated, and even happens with a new user

Any help?

Yes, except the copy part

cp -a /home/* /mnt/home
# I used
sudo mkdir /mnt/home/raul
sudo chown raul:raul /mnt/home/raul
cp -a /home/raul/* /mnt/home/raul

This journalctl includes the current boot (i had to login in tty2 before plasmashell was started) and last boot wich couldn't load for some reason: https://paste.kde.org/pscjuaxcn

2 months later

I know this would be quite "old", it kept this whole month the same, but It resolved itself after disabling the splash screen 😄