Since a bug with current Midna SDDM theme (no user selected on new system, thus no password works at all, unless you actually see that you need to select a user first), could not be resolved, it is time to completely redo the theme.
Opted for a much simpler solution, no layers/slide-in effects, all options are visible in one page/layer.
Added are options to set Caps lock & Num lock, and the state of these are shown (see image, text top right shows Caps Locks is ON),

Looks nice, stylish and clean 🙂

A few changes.
Little simpler grid layout, and more importantly, focus of when Caps or Num lock are on. Both buttons are no longer visible if not locked.

Excellent, still missing a detail the text of the buttons turn off, restart suspend is not complete, with a greater separation I suppose that they were presented complete.

  • demm replied to this.

    LuisVicente Spacing on real login is correct, with full text visible. Screenshots are taken with sddm-greeter --testmode as my user (thus not the default root user).