As many of you probably know, Google Plus will stop to exists come April.

At this point, KaOS uses the forum as the main user interaction media, IRC channel is in use too, and only other is G+. Is there a need for a G+ replacement?

Should gitter be used (
Is 2 enough (forum & IRC)?

I see that several G + communities are moving to MeWe, it can be an alternative, although the KaOS forum is very well

I think forum and irc are enough. Maybe a telegram channel could be interesting.

a mi, personalmente me serviría Facebook, ya que es la única red social a parte de facebook que tengo, se que a muchos no les gustará pero es mi opinion personal nada mas, seguiré entrando al foro, pero las noticias en G+ me servian y ayudaban a enterarme de cosas importantes, por eso creo que seria bueno abrir un canal por facebook.

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to me, personally I would serve Facebook, since it is the only social network apart from facebook that I have, I know that many will not like it but it is my personal opinion nothing else, I will continue to enter the forum, but the news in G + served me and They helped me to find out about important things, that's why I think it would be good to open a channel through Facebook.

9 days later

Since Gitter has had a KaOS channel for years, I will start posting some there, see if anyone follows it. (Gitter app is in the KaOS repo).