I use a number of KDE distros. My computer is set up in a way that uses a separate partition for the /tmp folder. The other KDE distros that I've tried provide an option during installation to assign the /tmp mount point to a specific partition. Unfortunately in Calamares it doesn't list /tmp in the drop down menu. Could you add the /tmp option in future releases?

I was able to specify separate / and /home partitions during installation but I would still like to use a different /tmp mount point. Could you post instructions on how to change the /tmp mount point after installation? Thanks.

por defecto /tmp se monta en memoria RAM directamente, y puede usar hasta un 50% de tu memoria RAM instalada. Todas las opciones las puedes modificar en el archivo /etc/fstab , busca información en internet sobre como configurar. Desde Calamares puedes usar la opción de particionado manual y ahí escoger una partición para /tmp.
tmpfs es un sistema de archivos en memoria ram, como un RAM DISK en Wndows.

Google Traslate:

By default / tmp is mounted on RAM directly, and you can use up to 50% of your installed RAM. You can modify all the options in the / etc / fstab file, look for information on the internet about how to configure. From Calamares you can use the option of manual partitioning and then choose a partition for / tmp.

tmpfs is a ram file system, like a RAM DISK in Wndows.

@loonix Partitioning in Calamares is not something KaOS touches, that is up to the upstream Calamares developers. (KaOS has just a few custom python modules, the rest is pure upstream). If you have a request for another option in manual partitioning, you will have to ask upstream about it.

Just like @tatizaffaroni wrote /tmp is mounted in RAM, if you want to separately create or mount a /tmp partition during installation, select / and add tmp manually when choosing the mount point.