Hey guys what's up?

So, i was researching things about this distro, and information about it's core team is quite hard to find. The only thing i know is that there is a famous dev called "demm", which, acording to my research, is a woman called Anke Boerma. Problem is, i tried to find at least a professional or "history" info about demm and i found quite nothing, also didn't found any social media, not a Linkedin, a blog, a Twitter or something, the only thing i know is that she is very active on this forum and supporting activities. Seems like she had a Google + page, but it doesn't exist anymore. The only thing i could found is that she was a contributor for Chakra community.

There is any more info, a "Team" section on this website i couldn't find? There something you guys could tell me to help me on this?



    UntamedJJ To be forward, why does it matter?

    I'm a simple user, and when i try a small distro i like to know if there is well know, respected enough or capable enough people behind it. I don't have great IT skills, and maybe time to check all the actions of a distro alone and across history. For example: if i try Void Linux, i know it has been built with the help of Juan Romero Pardines, previously one of the main developers of NetBSD, they have some work on LibreSSL and therefore they care about security. Solus had the hand of Ikey Doherty on it, he worked on Intel and is quite very respected by nerds in my country, and was always i guy engaged on all kind of debates. Funtoo is small, but leaded currently by Daniel Robbins. KDE Neon is new, but handled by J. Riddel, an old "monster" of Ubuntu/Kubuntu community.

    About demm, she seems to be respected by Chakra guys, KaOS seems to be nice and well handled, but i really don't know much about her previous journey, would be nice to know more AND to know if she is alone on the "core" team or something like that. If KaOS is a BDFL kind of distro would be nice to know that.

    To be forward, i don't like, on IT world, or Martial Arts world, or teaching world, or whatever professional world you are, when someone have a qualification or good history to show and don't do it. A job is a job, it's not like a virtue journey where you must hide you qualities to don't be accused of being vain.

    It's different of Debian, Fedora or openSUSE where i could just jump inside. Makes sense?

    Naturally the github repo has contributors

    "This organization has no public members." Tried to login in the Github, didn't worked.

    What a specifically are you looking for?

    I was specific enough on my post, honestly.

    You can see the commit history of KaOS on github, everything done here is opensource, so no idea what a team page would contribute, thus it has never been created (or needed). So you know some names of say Solus or KDE Neon, does hat help you in any way to judge a distro? IMO, you can only judge by what is committed, how are things handled, what the code looks like.

      demm It's not about judging a distro, it's about being a simple user, non IT guy, seeking for some confidence. Close subject, the one you brought, but not the same.

      I'm not going to bother you guys with this anymore, i think you already have a opinion about it.

      Ty for the attention!

      pienso que el sitio web es lo suficientemente completo, lleno de toda la información que un usuario simple puede llegar a necesitar, y aun un poco mas, esta bien especificado a que usuarios apunta la distribución.
      podes empezar leyendo:
      vas pasando de pagina con el botón siguiente y creo que se te aclararían todas las dudas, la distribución ya lleva varios años funcionando correctamente, yo particularmente la uso hace poco mas de dos años.

      google traslate:

      I think the website is complete enough, full of all the information that a simple user may need, and even a little more, it is well specified to which users point the distribution.
      You can start reading:
      You go from page to the next button and I think that all the doubts would be clarified, the distribution has been working correctly for several years, I use it a little more than two years ago.


        Gracias por la atención

        Yo no estoy seguro si debo o no usar KaOS. Estoy en duda. El hecho de poder usar KDE en KaOS ciertamente es una ventaja, en el Solus estoy preso a la MATE por ahora. MATE es bueno, pero en este momento, KDE para mí es una mejor opción.

        También necesito considerar que soy gamer, y Solus está entre los mejores distros para jugar. Cuanto a los drivers de NVIDIA el KaOS ofrece un excelente soporte. Aparentemente con el surgimiento del Flatpak los problemas para jugar en el KaOS, debido a la incompatibilidad con 32 bits, fueron sanados, pero yo necesitaría usar para estar seguro.

        También tengo muchas dudas acerca de las ventajas de este enfoque estricto establecido por el KaOS, además de las ventajas que he leído en la documentación. Saber también si no estoy violando alguna filosofía al usar el Flatpak...

        P.s: ¿Debo crear un nuevo post para esso?


        Thanks for your attention

        I'm not sure if I should use KaOS or not. I'm in doubt. The fact of being able to use KDE in KaOS is certainly an advantage, in Solus I am in prison for MATE for now. MATE is good, but right now, KDE is a better option for me.

        I also need to consider that I am a gamer, and Solus is among the best distros to play games on Linux. As for the NVIDIA drivers, KaOS offers excellent support. Apparently with the emergence of the Flatpak the problems to play in the KaOS, due to the incompatibility with 32 bits, were healed, but I would need to use it to be sure.

        I also have many doubts about the advantages of this strict focus established by the KaOS, in addition to the advantages I have read in the documentation. Also i would like to know if I'm not violating some philosophy when using the Flatpak ...

        Obs: should i open a new thread for this?

        • demm replied to this.

          RLFontan Obs: should i open a new thread for this?

          No, this is fine to continue under this topic.

          RLFontan Also i would like to know if I'm not violating some philosophy when using the Flatpak ...

          Flatpak is in the repo, since it serves a purpose, so why would it violate anything?


            Flatpak is in the repo, since it serves a purpose, so why would it
            violate anything?

            Cool, i was just wondering if that violated some principle (goal) or something. Seems that KaOS have some level pragmatism which i found to be cool.