First, minimal test ISO is uploaded for the June stable ISO release.

provide the installation log, if you encounter any issue at all

As always, early test ISOs are minimal, very few apps, just a web-browser, file manager, text editor, GUI package manager. The non-free nvidia drivers are included since they are a big part of what needs testing. Major changes to the installer Calamares will need to be thoroughly tested.

This ISO will feature Qt 5.13.0, Plasma 5.16, the Linux kernel 5.1.xx, ICU 64.2, Boost 1.69.0, Glib2 2.60.4 among the many updates. Non-free installs feature a different presentation of the License page, help is needed to test this with newer Nvidia cards using the 430 series drivers.

KaOS ISOs are not only GTK free but are Qt4 & KDE 4 free too.
This is as pure a Qt 5/Plasma 5 ISO as possible.

Plan is to have Frameworks 5.59.0, KDE Applications 19.04.2, Plasma 5.16.2 and Linux 5.1.1x on the final ISO. If all testing goes well expect the final ISO to be released within a week to ten days

Calamares version used is 3.2.9 Release Notes page is only partially updated.

The ISO is using packages from the build repo, but that repo is not enabled, so if you decide to install, make sure to add the build epo to your pacman.conf.

To help with testing:

  • Use a GPT partition table on BIOS system (manual partitioning)
  • Use Isowriter to write the test ISO to your USB stick, plan is to remove imagewriter from the repos after this test cycle
  • Use in live mode on as much different hardware as possible
  • If you have an UEFI capable system, check if the ISO boots in both UEFI and legacy BIOS mode, make sure though to turn off secure boot
  • test installs on real hardware are needed, not just vbox
  • check as many partitioning options as possible in the partitioning of Calamares, see if all works and is clear enough
  • test with the BTRFS filesystem, it should now work properly without any intervention on UEFI systems (systemd-bootloader).

debug packages for Calamares are part of all ISOs, run Calamares with gdb if you encounter errors
provide the installation log, if you encounter any issue at all

You can start Calamares from the Welcome app, or run it with:

sudo calamares -d

The install log will be created in the home directory of the Live user, see ~/installation.log. It is available after the install in the target system in /var/log/installation.log
If run from cli, make sure to pastebin the full output, since no installation.log will be copied then, though that log is more complete.

The site for testing ISOs in use:

b983a49e95a15d5f0771bb190b6b1b1155d4bc80a38d8a463adf77a405909b46  KaOS-2019.06.21-x86_64.iso

On this ISO you will find:
Linux 5.1.12
systemd 242
gcc 8.3.0
Qt 5.13.0
Frameworks 5.59.0
Plasma 5.16.1
KDE Applications 19.04.2
Calamares 3.2.9
Octopi 0.9.0 with sysinfo & cachecleaner tool

Known issues:

  • None at this time.

@demm Are there new Nvidia drivers? Just to help testing on my system. I'm currently on build with no issues so far.

No, drivers from build/main are on the ISO. If you can test just in Live mode to see if the new license page works correctly.
No need to continue to a full a install, just start the installer from the Welcome app, check if the license page works, accept the license & open the debug (left bottom in cala) and see if it shows LicenseAccept under global storage.

    demm I couldn't find any LicenseAccept there, but Calamares GUI itself seemed to work. I took a couple of pics, I was in a hurry.
    I can upload them later if you want to (or take decent screenshots)

    Sorry, it is LicenseAgree under debug > GlobalStoarge tab.

      So the license page did not show? If it did, you accepted the license? If the latter, then there is a bug, since non-free won't install if LicenseAgree is not found in GlobalStorage.

        demm Made a short video about it:

        Forgot to say (and I just made sure about it) it happens in both installations: free and non-free. I suppose you meant the non-free one.

        • demm replied to this.

          eqlucky Please use the installation log instead of videos, much better output for debugging.

            demm yes, you are right. I am (maybe wrongly) used to that.

            4 days later

            First full ISO is uploading. The plan is to release this ISO as the June stable release in about 2 days. This of course only happens if no regressions are found.
            Changes since the last minimal ISO include kernel move to linux 5.1.15, Plasma 5.16.2, Nettle 3.5 (about 2 dozen needed a rebuild for that), updated translations in Calamares and Mesa 19.0.8.

            aba6a8f755903b84f6ca522a38454b67e9a06ff809de2e4f40d7d2e192e82a74  KaOS-2019.06.27-x86_64.iso