- Edited
So, it looks like i've got a more-or-less functional touchscreen (maybe i'll have some questions later about ironing out details). but i can't seem to get a virtual keyboard working. i've allegedly installed qt5-virtualkeyboard w/ pacman, but I'm not sure I understand pacman properly, becasue this output doesn't make sense to me:
ezpad ~ sudo pacman -S qt5-virtualkeyboard
warning: qt5-virtualkeyboard-5.13.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
Package (1) Old Version New Version Net Change
main/qt5-virtualkeyboard 5.13.0-1 5.13.0-1 0.00 MiB
Total Installed Size: 18.69 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: 0.00 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] n
ezpad ~ sudo pacman -U qt5-virtualkeyboard
loading packages...
error: 'qt5-virtualkeyboard': could not find or read package
Am I wrong in thinking "pacman -U" should see a package after running "pacman -S"?
I also looked into the PKGBUILD or the package, and if I read it properly, there should be a file in /usr/share/applications/virtualkeyboard.desktop?
ezpad ~ ls /usr/share/applications/ | grep virt
ezpad ~
Also, this is about the only reference to the virtual keyboard I could find on the KaOS forums:
I'm hoping things have advanced a bit in the past few years?