With the release today of 5.17.0 final, this major new Plasma version is now ready to move to all users. It has been been tested in the [kde-next] repo for the last 4 weeks, so no issues are expected.
Also moved were the usual monthly updates of Frameworks (5.63.0) & KDE Applications (19.08.2). Kcalendarcore and Kcontacts are now part of Frameworks, no longer packaged for KDE Apps.

Kind of a bigger update though is the new Toolchain. A bit sooner then usual to move to a new major GCC (9.2.0), normally KaOS stays about one year behind every major GCC update, but changes between 8 and 9 are not as big as normal, all packages in the repositories have caught up with this version, thus the major new version is now available within six months of it's original release.
A big part of the core repository was rebuild in this new Toolchain, plus the whole Glib2 stack was updated.

New ISO testing on all these changes has already started, so far no issues with new Systemd, new toolchain and new Plasma, but there are known bugs with new Systemd 243 & Linux-next 5.3, so there won't be a public ISO until linux stable has moved to the 5.3 series in the build repo, so it can be checked if the Systemd issue can be replicated on an ISO. If so, then Systemd will stay at 242 for the upcoming ISO.