After about three weeks of testing (starting with Qt 5.14 rc1), Qt 5.14.0 is now ready to move to all users. This is a large move of over 530 packages, since all of KDE was build/rebuild on new Qt, plus anything that was updated the last 10 days and depended on Qt had to wait until Qt 5.14 was ready.

For Qt 5.14.0 3 new modules are added, qt5-datavis3d (enhancement for kstar), qt5-quicktileline & qt5-remoteobjects. There are some known issues on a Plasma Wayland session, but nothing that will stop you from using your system normally with this new Qt version.

KDE Applications (kind of renamed upstream to Release Services ) 19.12.0 had Elisa now moved to it, thus will get much more regular updates. Dolphin has some major changes in it's search function among it's many updates.

Frameworks 5.65.0 was a rather difficult release compare to other times, many bugs were found the last 10 days, so quite a few of the frameworks needed their tarball respun, quite a bit had to do with many not completely ready for Qt 5.14. All is fixed now, no new bugs known.

Work has also continued last month to further remove python2. This time it was removed as makedepend from as many as possible.

New addition to the repository is MystiQ a very capable replacement for qwinff (which has not been maintained since 2015).

Some major changes for the X stack are worked on in the build repository. To better accommodate hybrid systems and non-free Nvidia, there is now a switch from libgl to vendor neutral libglvnd. This will make the nvidia bumblebee packages obsolete. Xorg-server was updated to 1.20.6, this now includes the needed patches to use Prime instead of Bumblebee. The needed scripts for this are packaged as the prime package. Needed changes for the ISO (hardware-detection & installer) have started.

Another thing worked on, but alas not fully working yet is the addition of signed kernel modules for Linux 5.4 (as in the linux-next kernel). All internal modules are now signed, out of tree modules like virtualbox-modules & rtl8192 have the signing added, but it still is hit and miss to make it work in packaging.
Once all works you can harden your system by adding module.sig_enforce=1 to your kernel boot line. To check if your systems contains any unsigned:

for mod in $(lsmod | tail -n +2 | cut -d' ' -f1); do modinfo ${mod} | grep -q "signature" || echo "no signature for module: ${mod}" ; done

Kvantum is also added to the repository. This will give the option to update the Midna theme used in KaOS to an actually maintained theme engine. It is now using QtCurve, but that one is all but dead sadly. Jomada has started wotk to create a Kvantum Midna theme.

For qtcurve, RJVB commits, time to time, patches / fixes to.