- Edited
jomada A question just out of curiosity, will kvantum be implemented as an option, will it continue with qtcurve, both options, kvantum will not be implemented, only breeze will remain?
Extensive work has been done last week to move to Kvantum (replacing QtCurve), but too many bugs remain to make this switch. To name the biggest two:
- Octopi search bar background does not change (should be one color on focus, next color--yellow-- on text found, gray on text not found), but text color does (so goes to white text on white background) on not found.
- Kate/Kwrite do not have correct background colors for the search bars (green on text found, red on not are what should show), no change or any indication anything is find or not.
Seems Kvantum has nothing implemented for QValidator, thus a lot of functions will be gone if the switch should occur.