Is there a reason why DKMS is not used in KaOS?
Bear in mind that I know very little about this and am just curious, and I'm not really requesting it be added.
Keep up the fantastic work!
Is there a reason why DKMS is not used in KaOS?
Bear in mind that I know very little about this and am just curious, and I'm not really requesting it be added.
Keep up the fantastic work!
The idea is that what is in the repo's is compiled, you as user just install it. With DKMS you will have to compile kernel modules on each update. And what if a build fails? Then you as user will need to go hunt for patches and fixes, potential leaving you with an unusable system if for example graphics drivers fail.
Now there is the extra benefit, all modules are signed.
Ah, I see!
That makes a lot of sense.
Thank you for the answer, Demm.